Devora's Person Centered Plan
A PCP (Person Centered Plan) is a planning process,
directed by the focus person, intended to identify
strengths, capacities, needs, preferences and desired outcomes wanted by the individual. It is an active service plan that includes what is pertinent in the focus person’s daily life bringing out all the necessary supports needed to lead a fulfilling community based life.
A PCP really is a LIFE STORY of the focus person and includes the past, present and future enabling the service delivery to be person specific. The following categories are usually presented during this process with the focus person being the shining star at the meeting with the participation of everyone involved in his or her life: a day in the life, interests-gifts and talents, support needs-staff characteristics-housemates, transition from here to there, medical needs, community life, home and daily life, food, work, location to live and people present. The focus is on the individual being able to contribute and share one’s own views, make and have real choices in all areas of their life currently and how it should be in the future being constantly updated and changed for an inclusive life.
View Devora’s PCP